
Digital marketer Elise (27): – There are many cool opportunities here

Elise Knudsen (27) was determined to move back home to Orkland after marketing studies in London. And sure enough, the dream job appeared – in the dream place.

-The best part of my job is creating different designs and playing around with graphic work. I also enjoy photography and text, says Elise and shows one of the projects she has been working on recently.

Since 2020, she has worked as a digital marketer and advisor for the company Thams Innovation in Orkanger, an innovation and development company that offers, among other things, advisory services to local businesses.

-We help small and medium-sized businesses to grow, says Elise.

Elise Knudsen smiling while working on the computer

City life in London

The 27-year-old has known for a long time that Orkanger is where she wants to work and live.

-Yes, I have never had any doubts about that, she asserts.

Elise grew up on Øyum, not far from Vormstad in Orkland municipality. She describes her home village as small, rural and cosy. Although she enjoyed herself, Elise felt an urge to explore the world after she finished high school.

In 2014, she decided to move to London to study marketing and advertising.

-Marketing is a broad and exciting field, and was a natural choice of study for me. In addition, I wanted to live in a big city like London. I had some very nice years there, and even met my current partner, Kurt, Elise says.

Ready to move back

After completing her bachelor’s degree, she got a job with a student company in London. But after six months, Elise began to feel homesick.

– I felt that I was ready to move home, and that I missed Norway. Fortunately, Kurt was open to moving to Norway with me. Trondheim initially seemed like the obvious choice for us. But I have always liked Orkanger very much, and felt that it was a perfect option between Øyum and Trondheim, she says.

Elise believes Orkanger has several good qualities:

– Orkanger has a mix of different activities and offers that you can choose between. At the same time, you have a short distance to nature. I really appreciate that. There are also good opportunities to commute to Trondheim, if you want to work in the city. It is also cheaper to live here than in Trondheim, she says.

Elise Knudsen smiling

–Cool opportunities

Elise herself did not have to worry about commuting. Barely a year after she moved home from London, a very interesting job opportunity appeared at Orkanger.

– Thams Innovation, which was then called Næringshagen in the Orkdal region, was looking for a new employee in marketing. After a chat with the general manager, I was allowed to come for a job interview. It was exciting and nerve-wracking, but fortunately it went well, says Elise.

Elise does it all within marketing in the Orkanger company, which is based in newly refurbished premises at Grønøra.

– I am responsible for the marketing of Thams Innovation, in addition to assisting various companies with, for example, social media and visibility. Many businesses wants help and advice, she says.

Elise believes that the opportunities within her professional field are great – even in a relatively small place like Orkanger.

– All companies, also in the more rural places, need marketing. The world is getting smaller and changing at record speed. Innovation and marketing are something that is invested in, I feel. There are many cool opportunities in Orkland, she says.

Elise Knudsen making a coffee by the coffee machine
Elise Knudsen talking to a colleague in the workplace office

Friends also moved back home

Elise really enjoys her work, and has gotten to know both colleagues and customers well during her time at Thams Innovation.

– I am the youngest person in the office, in a mix of different age groups. There is always a pleasant atmosphere in the office and a very good working environment, she says.

When she is not at work, Elise likes to hang out with friends, go for walks in the forest and watch movies and series. Many of her friends from Vormstad have also moved back home to Orkland after finishing their studies.

– I also think it’s very nice to go to Nerøra and look at the charming wooden houses. The architecture there really has soul, she says.

Elise is also fond of visiting various shops and cafes in Orkanger.

– I particularly like the second-hand shop at Orkanger. It’s fun to go there on a Saturday morning and just look around. Then me and Kurt can walk to Solrun’s Heimlaga and buy a delicious frappuccino, says Elise.

No regrets

The 27-year-old does not regret the choice to move home to Orkland.

– You feel welcome here, and I think the people are very nice and welcoming. I think more and more people are discovering Orkland, and all the possibilities and offers that actually exist here. There are many young people who are moving here now, who see that it is a nice place to settle down, says Elise.

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